Counselling Programs
Kuldip Counselling & Consulting in Surrey & Langley has a specialty in addictions counselling. However we are qualified to provide therapy and counselling in additional areas. Kuldip has a background in working in areas of mental health, trauma, workplace issues and career development. If you are still wondering if Kuldip Counselling and Consulting Services is the right fit for you please complete the contact page. Kuldip Counselling is an established private practioner with solid relationships with great network of colleagues. Kuldip will provide referrals to community and private therapists to provide the best care for her clients. Services for Kuldip Counselling & Consulting Services are provided through contracts with:
Crime Victim Assistance Program
Help is available if you have been impacted by crime or violence. Being a victim or witness to crime, violence or abuse is a role no one is prepared for and not everyone will respond the same way to the same crime. As well, immediate family members of crime victims can experience loss and psychological harm. If you are a victim of crime, it is important that you talk to someone about how the crime or violence has affected you. This qualifies you for free counselling services. Kuldip Counselling and Consulting Services is a qualified service provider for this program.
Employee and Family Assistance Programs
EFAP programs provides confidential, professional assistance to help staff, and their spouses and dependents resolve problems that affect their personal lives or work performance. The counseling deals with human problems -- the kinds of problems that affect personal well-being and ability to perform on the job. These may involve such matters as stress, anxiety and depression; marriage counseling; family conflicts; alcohol and drug dependency; and, in a limited way, financial and legal difficulties associated with the above problems. Kuldip Counselling & Consulting Services has contracts with local EFAP companies. Contact Kuldip Counselling & Consulting Services to see if you qualify for these services through your extended health benefits.